Here’s a perfect drink to beat the summer heat and the 4 o’clock slump in one shot!
This recipe delivers a healthy alternative to coffee shop drinks. The maca, raw cacao and green coffee bean all combine to give you a jolt of energy to keep you going through the day, but won’t leave you jittery. Green coffee is a healthy source of metabolism-boosting nutrients and helpful antioxidants. Raw cacao delivers a healthy dose of magnesium and antioxidants, and you can also use this ingredient to make your own chocolate! The Dandyblend is made from dandelion root, which cleanses the liver. The stevia satisfies your sweet tooth without added sugar, and is safe for diabetics. You can use any nut milk for this, maybe even make your own hemp milk for an added bonus of healthy omegas 3s.
This recipe is sugar free, gluten free, animal free and nutrient dense!
- 1 Tbsp Dandyblend (coffee alternative)
- 1 Tbsp Raw Cacao Powder
- 1 Tsp Green Coffee Powder
- 1 Tsp Maca Powder (if available use the gelatinized version for better assimilation)
- 1 Serving Organic Stevia (I prefer liquid)
- 1/2 Tsp Organic Vanilla (optional)
- 1 Cup Organic Nut Milk (when in SoCal I use Omega Milk, a probiotic blend of hemp, rice and flax-yum!)
- 1 1/2 Cups Ice
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Enjoy knowing you are putting a healthy alternative to those coffee bar drinks into your body. Maybe even double the recipe and share it with a friend!
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