Sweet potatoes are a holiday favorite! They are a rich source of fiber as well as containing an array of vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, selenium, and they’re a good source of most of our B vitamins and vitamin C. They are also a perfect food for balancing vata dosha (Ayurveda).
Here are two variations of this healthy root vegetable to share with your family and friends. There are very few ingredients and they are super simple to make! Let’s all eat more whole foods!
- Organic sweet potatoes (amount varies on how many people you are cooking for)
- Coconut oil
- Himalayan Salt
- Nutritional Yeast or Coconut Manna
Directions-option 1
- Wash the sweet potatoes
- Cut into halves
- Drizzle with coconut oil
- Bake face up in a glass dish greased with coconut oil at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 45 minutes. Pierce with a sharp knife to make sure they’re done (very soft) before removing from the oven.
- Sprinkle with Himalayan salt and nutritional yeast. Add small amount of additional oil if desired. Serve hot.
Directions-option 1
- Wash the sweet potatoes
- Cut into bite-sized cubes
- Coat with coconut oil
- Bake in a glass dish greased with coconut oil at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. Pierce with a sharp knife to make sure they’re done (very soft) before removing from the oven.
- Drizzle coconut manna over the cubes and serve hot.