achintia art

Greetings Rainbow Warriors,
I’m coming to you from beautiful Ojai California today. I’m here reuniting with my beloved community after circling the globe not once, but twice in the last year. There is something simply magical about this sacred land. And to see it in the rebirth process after the fires here last fall is a true blessing. Fresh green sprouts and wildflowers abound. After being around the world I can honestly say that Ojai holds my heart like no other place. The energy here and the people that are drawn here create a very special and powerful vortex. A quaint valley surrounded by mountains, full of spiritual centers and named by the Chumash Tribe after the moon, I’ve found it to be an extremely healing and grounding place to be. I’m thinking I should do some retreats here to share the magic with you. You guys in? Check out my Visionary Lifestyle & Podcast facebook page to see some yoga videos here.Send me an email if that sounds good to you. You can reach me at guide@visionary-lifestyle.local

So now, on to today’s show.
Today’s guest is Achintya Devi.
Achintya is the Founder of Goddess Rising Mystery School, dedicated to empowering the Wild Sacred Feminine within our Global Sisterhood through Moon Priestess & Womb Codex Trainings, Red Tent Leadership Certification & Collective, Priestess Path Trainings & Pilgrimages and an online Moon Sisters Temple.
Achintya is a Priestess of Avalon, ordained in the Temple of Isis and the Rose Lineage of the Magdalene, sharing oracle transmissions and ancient/future Priestess Arts Training in connection with the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters. She is especially passionate about women reawakening their Womb Codes of Light to embody their Sovereign Divinity for lasting transformation within and to serve as Sacred Leaders in this era of great Planetary Awakening.
Achintya is also an Acupressure Therapist, Wholistic Health Practitioner and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher. Originally from British Columbia, Canada, she teaches internationally and is based on the island of Maui.

I was blessed to meet Achintya in our community here in the Valley of the Moon, also known as Ojai. Then I caught up with her at the LIghtning in a Bottle Festival in California last year and fortunately we found time to get this interview in.
Coming up soon on Labor Day weekend I’ll be presenting again at The Learning Kitchen at the Lightning in a Bottle Festival here in California. If you’re around come and participate in my “Yoga Starts in the Kitchen” workshop there.

I’ve found that Achintya is carrying deep wisdom that the world, and especially women, need now.
She shares it with grace and a commitment to awakening people to help create a better world.
As usual, the show notes will contain links to her work as well as the download she mentions in the interview. Find those at

Enjoy and namaste

What is needed?
How can I serve?

Connect with Achintya


“If we are to change the outer world together we have to really take responsibility to change the inner landscape within us.”
Achintya Devi

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