I’m coming to you from magical Bali today. I’ve been here about 3 weeks now and I’ve got to say I’m really enjoying the island life. The warm humid air is so pacifying for my vata which feels really balancing for me, you can listen to my Ayurveda episodes if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Bali is known for being a concentrated place of healing on the planet, and I’m witnessing it myself and hearing amazing stories from people here about their healing too.
I’m looking into offering retreats here, to give you all a taste of the magic, so drop me an email through my visionary-lifestyle.com website if that’s something that you’d like to participate in.
Our guest today is Ronnie Landis. Ronnie is an Author, Professional Speaker, Health & Life Transformation Coach, and a Nutrition & Human Potential Strategist.
He’s a leading expert in holistic health, natural nutrition, and human potential. He helps people ,from driven entrepreneurs, athletes, visionary artists, actors/actresses, and intuitive healers, all the way to stay at home moms and dads to perform at their best mentally, emotionally, and physically. Ronnie’s work ranges from exploring the fringes of cutting edge health sciences, food based nutrition, innovative supplementation strategies, and a deep passion for helping people overcome long held mental and emotional roadblocks so they can experience every area of their life at their full potential. Ronnie is a public speaker and teacher, a published author of multiple books, hosts of two popular podcasts, a transformation and peak performance coach, and above all else a man who deeply values life and has devoted his life to uplifting and inspiring the lives of as many people as he can reach through his mission, his work, and his message.
I’ve known Ronnie for years through the healthy lifestyle scene in Los Angeles. I’ve always regarded him as someone who carries a lot of wisdom and passion for holistic health. I’m grateful we got to share this conversation when I was last in California, almost a year ago now. Ronnie drops a lot of specific wisdom in this show, everything from nuggets about Taoist herbs and plant medicine in general, to conscious eating, to the importance of acid/alkaline balance and lots more, so it’s a good idea to be ready to take some notes if you can.
Also, Check out the show notes for links to Ronnie’s work on visionary-lifestyle.com/podcast.
Enjoy and namaste,
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