Greetings rainbow warriors. I’m coming to you from Goa India today. I’ve been healing my body and mind with the sun and the sea here, and will be teaching a slew of workshops over the next couple of weeks.
Feeling super blessed to be on this epic magical mystery tour. Are you guys following my instagram yet to follow my world tour?
Catch me at visionary_lifestyle_guide and of course @visionarylifestylepodcast for show announcements.
We have a Visionary, Yoga and Lifestyle Facebook group that I’d love to see you in too, so look for that in the show notes along with links to Daisy’s work as well. Find the show notes on my website at
days guest is Daisy Kaye. Daisy is a wellness facilitator, an advocate for maintaining a holiday lifestyle and dancing in the mundane world. She’s a Universal Tao Instructor, Breathwork Facilitator, Body Worker, Herbalist and founder of Sacred Cacao 5 Element Dance and is blessed to facilitate sacred space, teach and practice body-work globally.
She’s the founder of Daisy’s Dancing Alchemy and Live A Holiday Life style; whose missions are to bring health, wealth, happiness, self-love, abundance and playfulness into people’s lives through dance and presence practices. Her methods stem from ancient Taoist and Tantric Philosophies; creating harmony through integration and personal responsibility of mind, body and spirit.
Daisy creates retreats and workshops, inviting people into the possibility of how it feels to live a happy, healthy life, everyday. From singles and couples, to mothers and daughters; She holds space for all to flourish in abundance and happiness.
I met Daisy at the New Earth Festival in Bali and we squeezed in this interview as one of her students was about to lead a cacao ceremony.
We were interrupted a bunch of times during the interview so it may sound a little choppy, but I assure you, there is a lot of rich content in this brief conversation.
Have you been called to a participate in a cacao ceremony? If so, this may help you understand why you’re interested in it, and the potential this experience has for you.
I really enjoyed meeting Daisy and love her uplifting energy. I did get to The Santuary in Thailand after this interview but unfortunately didn’t get to participate in a ciao ceremony. I’m trusting that the right one in the right place will align when it’s the perfect time.
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