Greetings from Morocco Rainbow Warriors. Today’s guest is Leo Rising.
Leo Rising is a Yoga Teacher based in Manhattan, NY. Since 2010 Leo Rising has been living a life in holistic & mystical service as a healer & personal guide to highly prominent beings in corporate, celebrity, and sensitive artistic lifestyles. As a trained and adept Spiritualist, Leo offers a unique remedy to the trials and tribulation of modern day life through, “The Roarrior Shift“, his 1-on-1 Lifestyle Guru mentorship program. Born with a few extra senses and charismatic sweetness that never runs out of fuel, Leo Rising is sought out by students internationally for his cosmic personality, precision, and guidance through the energetic layers of humanity. As a yoga teacher, Leo found that the physically rehabilitating practices of asana (yoga poses) and pranyama (breath work) open aspects of existence that are connected, grounded, stable and promote clarity upon every action, and the space to exist fully present, while still.
I met Leo at the Bali Spirit Festival and was instantly drawn to his charismatic energy.
I joined one of his classes, was super inspired by it, and was fortunate enough to find this time to sit and talk yoga with him. We talk here about the law of attraction, the 5th chakra and the magical syncronicity that is so present in Bali
I’m grateful to know inspirational people like Leo are out in the world sharing yoga and lifting hearts.
Make sure to check out his instagram feed for further inspiration, as usual find the link in the show on my website at
Enjoy and namaste
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