jonny rose art

Namaste Rainbow Warriors! I’m coming to you today from Bali, Indonesia. I’ve discovered that landing in Bali direct from india is a great traveling strategy.
Everything feels more clean and comfy here. In India I was kind of roughing it. Of course I’m madly in love with India, and I believe it’s an important journey for everyone to spend time there, it certainly is for me, and I haven’t even scratched the surface there, but Bali is an entirely different vibe. And there’s better wifi haha. The culture here is still hindu, but a different kind than you see in India.
This culture is steeped in ceremony for everything in the world. They literally have a ceremony for everything, and it’s amazing to be in a place that holds so much reverence for everything under the sun. Yesterday was a ceremony for all things metal, like cars and machines, and I hear there’s one for trees coming up soon. How cool is that?!
I love the high energy of sacred community here. In the couple days ‘ve been here I’ve been running into old and dear friends that I didn’t expect to see, and that always feels magical.
The air is hot and moist, everything is bright green, the prana is just palpable here. SO much life force energy! Tomorrow the Bali Spirit Festival will begin and I’ll be on a week long love fest yoga train. I’m looking forward to recording a new season of interviews for you here with the international speakers and teachers from the festival, and keep this podcast rolling as a source of inspiration and empowerment for you!

So now let’s get to today’s episode.

Our guest today is Jonny Rose. Jonny is a 700 hour yoga alliance certified teacher, that’s a lot of training folks! He is part of the core teaching team at The Sanctuary Thailand where he’s been teaching since 2014. After discovering yoga in Byron Bay in 2002 it has been happily taking over Jonny’s life. He tries to do justice to all his amazing teachers in every class he leads, for the amazing effects they had on his life.
He believes that dancing is a basic human need, and has a light hearted approach and a wicked sense of humor.

I met Jonny in Ko Phangan ,Thailand, on the advise of a common friend who said he’d ”make a great” interview, and that he did. Jonny lives most of his life in an absolute paradise on a small bay of turquiose water on this island in southern Thailand, surrounded by jungle and yoga.
I enjoyed a couple of his classes there, and love his “don’t take yourself too seriously”approach.

In this interview we took a deep dive into the 8 limbs of yoga, and especially the yamas and the niyamas. Jonny’s explanation of these foundational yogic principles was straight to the point and enlightening. Jonny really breaks down the 8 limbs of yoga in a way you may not have heard before.
I hope you learn something here and get inspired to deepen your practice of true yoga .

As usual check out the show notes for links to Jonny and things we talked about in the show, on my website at you’ll find my special media links there too so you can keep in touch and follow my behind the scenes stories that lead to these shows….

See you next week.
Enjoy and namaste

“It’s really yama and niyama that provide a blueprint for you before you even start the asana practice.”
Jonny Rose


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