Our guest today is Yogrishi Vishvketu Aka Vishva-ji for short.
A learned teacher and yogi, Vishva-ji has studied and practiced Yoga and the Vedic healing arts in the Himalayas since childhood. He facilitates trainings and workshops internationally incorporating diverse aspects of Yoga practice into his classes:asana,pranayama, meditation, cleansing kriyas, Ayurveda and Vedic chanting. He calls this holistic style of teaching Akhanda Yoga. He also holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Yoga Philosophy from the holy city of Haridwar. He is founder of the Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram Trust in Rishikesh, India where he offers his teachings and trainings.
With his fun-loving nature, Vishva-ji inspires students and teachers from around the world to live the yogic life with joy and dedication. He teaches from the heart and leads students to connect more deeply to themselves.
He is also author of Yogasana: The Encyclopedia of Yoga Poses, published by Mandala. It’s a really stunning and useful accomplishment and contribution to the yoga world.
I loved talking to this visionary teacher! He had me at namaste in his first class.This man is sunshine personified! I interviewed him in the garden at Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh India, after attending his classes at the International Yoga Festival . In this interview we discuss why yoga starts in the kitchen, and the difference between happy food and grumpy food, and then he goes into detail about the 5 koshas , also called sheaths, or subtle bodies. Really fascinating stuff here, guys. I provided a graphic in the show notes to help you understand this vast concept a bit better.
I really want to visit his school and am called to deepen my knowledge and experience of yoga through his teachings. Who knows, maybe I’ll see YOU there!
Check out the show notes for links to Yogrishi’s website and social media channels. His website is full of video classes including some about the koshas, or sheaths, that we discuss in the interview, and he even has recipe videos there. There’s lots of inspirational resources for you there so make sure you check out the links!
“You are blissful, joyful, playful and fearless “
“Yoga Starts in the Kitchen”
Anando Ham also Ananda Hum (I am Bliss)
This mantra awakens the state of fulfillment that is your true self. Ananda is the inherent bliss, joy, and fulfillment of existence. Ananda Hum aligns your Being with this reality.
Follow Yogrishi!
5 koshas
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